Aaaah Murray... my sweet Murray. If anyone would have told me I would call a ram sweet I probably woulda have laughed! A ram?! Sweet? But seriously - this guy is truly wonderful. Handsome and such a personality! How could those other ladies not just fawn over him?!
As with Maggie he is a lover of attention. He is the first to trot on over to get a good rub down when I am in the barn or the field - Chest? yes. Cheeks? of course. Ears? oh heaven! Haunches? Oh heck ya! And if he feels he needs more he'll put his hoof up on me and essentially tap me on the leg to let me know he's still there.
Most days, after preening him a bit (which he loves - it's attention of course) he'll lay down at my feet or next to me like a dog and just hang out.
Does he ram? I mean, he is a ram after all. Sorta. He will but me in the leg if he thinks I'm ignoring him or he's anxious for his nighttime treat - but nothing uber forceful. It's clear it's a friendly 'tap'. That's not to say he couldn't do some damage if he wanted to - there's always that possibility and I do keep my wits about me when I'm near him. But unless he felt threatened or something major changed I don't envision having an issue with him.
You can find Murray's pedigree HERE.
Jeffrey was a big, and very pleasant, surprise to us! We had traveled to pick up one ram and 16 ladies and returned to find 2 rams and only 15 gals in the mix. Oops! But oh what a gem Jeffrey is! Super soft fleece and one of the most wonderful dispositions - I can safely say his favorite pastime (other than getting rub downs) is to play with his basketballs)! He's a lover, not a fighter. So glad he happened to be a stowaway!
You can find Jeffrey's pedigree HERE.