Guss came to us from outside of Buena Vista, Colorado. We don't have much of any background on this handsome guy other than he originally came from somewhere around Monument Hill (which is the pass one drives through on I25 as you head south out of Denver towards Colorado Springs).
Guss is meant to be a guard llama. He is uber inquisitive and generally is very tolerant of the sheep being very close to him. (occasionally when they try to push him out of the way for treats he shoves his ears back and bends his head down to tell them he's not pleased with the rudeness. LOL!) When the lambs are frolicking he will let them jump all over his back while laying down - essentially serving the purpose of jungle gym.
He is wary of humans - even I, who works with him every day. Not knowing his background I can't speak as to why, but he is definitely not keen on having humans close. I am now finally able to stroke his neck and back while I feed him alfalfa pellets out of a container and at times get him to eat from hand - big milestone!